New MimioStudio Community Share Site
We are pleased to announce a completely new, faster, more modern sharing site for MimioStudio users!
All the current content has been migrated to this new site but in order to ensure user security, we haven’t activated all the user accounts on this new site. But, it’s quick and free to verify your account on the new site and start taking advantage of all the great new features.


New Community FAQs
How do I access the Community?
Instead of going to the old community site at, you now go to the new location at and select “Lesson Search”.
Can I still download .ink files for use in MimioStudio?
Yes! All MimioStudio ink files that were on the prior search site have already been migrated and can be downloaded from this new site.
Can I still upload my own MimioStudio .ink files?
Yes! Import your MimioStudio .ink files into our new MyClass whiteboard and they will be converted to our new online format. You can choose to share these lessons with the community, and they are also automatically available for presentation online through the MyClass Student Engagement and Formative Assessment platform.
Why did the Community Site change?
The MimioStudio community is home to nearly 10,000 MimioStudio lesson. This has been a great resource for finding lessons for use in classrooms all over the world for many years, but since the site was built using old technology, many updates were required for improved user experience, security, and performance.
We also believe that customers are expecting more from digital content today, including even more online content than ever. MyClass is a next-generation upgrade to MimioStudio which can provide and cater for the ever-changing landscape of classroom technology. Thing will certainly look differnet compared to MimioStudio, but rest-assured, the vast majority of functions and features that users love in MimioStudio are inluded and supported, including many other enhancements.
Our primary goal is to support our customers with more engaging and robust tools for student engagement and formative assessment in the 1:1 classroom environment and beyond. We hope you enjoy using the new and improved Community Share site!
How do I join / verify my account?
If you didn’t already have a user account on the MimioConnect Search site for MimioStudio, simply register as a new user at
If you did have an account, go to and sign-in with the same email you used to register for the community originally. You will be asked to reset your password via an email link, and also agree to the terms of use prior to signing in.

For more information on MyClass, and extra benefits you can receive when upgrading from MimioStudio, view our MyClass Upgrade page.